[e2e] Research on prevention of ARP spoofing

Angelo Dell'Aera buffer at antifork.org
Mon Mar 24 13:15:18 PST 2003

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On Mon, 24 Mar 2003 17:06:34 +0530
"Sai Dattathrani" <saidatta at in.ibm.com> wrote:

>Hi all,
>I have an  idea to prevent ARP spoofing. I  have already published an
>individual internet draft on this.  I have joined this group, so that
>it can be initiated as a  topic for research, ofcourse on approval of
>other members of the team as a topic worthy of research.
>I    am    attaching    the    link   to    the    internet    draft.
>Expecting the inputs from this group to get started on the research.

I  just wanted  to suggest  you to  take a  look to  Alberto Ornaghi's
Master Thesis titled "Studio e  analisi degli attacchi ARP poisoning e
delle   possibili   contromisure"   which   you  can   find   at   URL
http://alor.antifork.org/projects/s-arp  .  Alberto   is  one  of  the
authors of  ettercap, a tool  released under GPL license,  which shows
the possibility to realize some kinds of attacks to ARP protocol.  For
his MT, he  developed an ARP security enhancement  named S-ARP (Secure
ARP). This Master Thesis is written in italian but you can find at the
same  URL GNU-Linux implementation.  He will  soon publish  an article
about this in English language.

Angelo Dell'Aera  

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