[e2e] architecturally speaking

Jon Crowcroft Jon.Crowcroft at cl.cam.ac.uk
Mon Mar 31 07:44:11 PST 2003

In missive < at>, "David P. Reed" typed

 >>I would love to understand more the linkage between "delay tolerant 
 >>internetworking"  and "real-time collaboraion focused 
 >>internetworking".   Need they be conceptually different?

 >>We're working on scalable wireless internetworking technologies that look 
 >>like they can achieve speed-of-light message latencies (because they are 
 >>very wideband) over a large number of hops.  This is useful for those of us 
 >>who want to create, for example, distributed virtual multiuser 
 >>environments, where low latency is crucial.  We tolerate delay by ignoring 
 >>excessively delayed information, assuming instead that the resource 
 >>(spectrum) can always be scaled proportional to demand (as measured by 
 >>money users are willing to spend), so it doesn't approach congestive failure.

 >>Delay tolerance is mostly an application problem (as becomes obvious when 
 >>you consider the true speed-of-light issues).   It only becomes a 
 >>networking problem when your goal is to underprovision a network compared 
 >>to demand.

i guess the big problem for me is the cost of "undisconnection"...
a big quantitative change tends to qualitative changes...


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