[e2e] High Packet Loss and TCP

Dmitri Krioukov dima at krioukov.net
Fri May 2 11:15:29 PDT 2003

ftp://gaia.cs.umass.edu/pub/Misra99-TCP-Stochastic.ps.gz :)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: end2end-interest-admin at postel.org
> [mailto:end2end-interest-admin at postel.org]On Behalf Of Vishal Misra
> Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 6:31 PM
> To: Jonathan Stone
> Cc: David G. Andersen; Ross Callon; end2end-interest at postel.org
> Subject: Re: [e2e] High Packet Loss and TCP
> Take an idealization of TCP, additive increase-multiplicative decrease.
> Numerous papers have shown that the relationship between loss probability
> "p" and average window size "W" is
> 	(W^2)*p = k
> where k is some constant between 1.5 and 2 (the "square root p formula").
> At loss rates above 10% (p > 0.1), the average window size drops
> down to 3
> or below. Any loss of packet then, in a real implementation of
> TCP results
> in (multiple) timeouts with high probability (you do not have a
> large enough
> window to get triple duplicate acks).
> This is a handwaving explanation. The Padhye et al. paper does a detailed
> performance analysis (where they show that the drop in performance is in
> fact worse).
> -Vishal
> On Thu, 1 May 2003, Jonathan Stone wrote:
> >
> > My experience was that TCP collapses at around 25%-30%, in a very
> > special sense of "collapse", namely that "HTTP pages never finish
> > downloading, faster to kill the conneciton and start from scratch".
> > I'd thought this was fairly well-known.
> >
> > Someone at Stanford once asked me why this phenomenon happened.  I
> > took packet traces from some sites in Euroe traversing a badly
> > overloaded link.  A tcptrace-like tool showed packet loss rates were
> > so high that fast recovery/fast retransmit never got 3 dupacks (due to
> > drop, the receiver got at most two segments, so the receiver got at
> > most 2 dupacks.)
> >
> > At that point not only has throughput gone to hell, but the
> > time-constant on whatever goodput can be gotten, has shifted from (a
> > constant factor of) network RTT, to (some factor of) the slow-retransmit
> > timeout.  That's quite a different regime from the 3% to 5% 5 loss
> > over, (for example) overloaded CDMA nets, where (with careful tuning)
> > even soft-real-time flows can be quite doable.
> >
> --
> http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~misra

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