[e2e] Link Aggregation

Alia Atlas aatlas at avici.com
Tue May 13 07:34:31 PDT 2003

I expect that you may run into problems with one TCP connection because 
most routers try to avoid misordering packets of a single microflow.  Thus, 
even though there may be several interfaces which are part of an ethernet 
link aggregation, the traffic from a single TCP connection would probably 
be directed towards only one of those interfaces (for a good implementation 
which is trying to avoid misordering).

Alia Atlas

At 09:56 AM 5/13/2003 -0400, RJ Atkinson wrote:

>On Tuesday, May 13, 2003, at 08:59 America/Montreal, Valentin Ossman wrote:
>>Does any one know a link aggregation method for several network adapters
>>(let's say 4 Gigabit ports) in a way that it will be possible to achieve
>>one high bandwidth (4Gbps) TCP connection?
>IEEE have a published standard for Ethernet Link Aggregation.  I'd
>start by looking that up.  Not clear to me that this relates to the
>charter of this mailing list however, so followups probably belong

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