[e2e] Open the floodgate - back to 1st principles

Injong Rhee rhee at eos.ncsu.edu
Sun Apr 25 19:28:34 PDT 2004

> Let me add here however, that some work exists to "coordinate" the
> transmission of these constituent TCP flows (cf. Congestion Manager) and
> to "adapt" the number of constituent TCP flows to reach a certain target
> bandwidth (cf. elastic TCP-tunneling)...

I am not sure whether the above work can be applicable for the type of high
speed networks
being discussed. The "adapting" is in itself a congestion control problem:
it needs to figure
out the right transmission rate that satisfies several desirable properties:
fairness, and stability.

> I agree, which supports Jon's comments. And in imho, it feels we are
> going down the same path of yet many more TCP versions without carefully
> looking at such compatibility issues...

Well...to me it seems a different ball game than the work we have seen
earlier in
tcp-friendly flow control area.

my $.02
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