[e2e] Question on TCP throughput and host's access speed

Sireen Habib Malik s.malik at tuhh.de
Mon Oct 18 04:20:24 PDT 2004

Hi Jing Shen,

A possible cause might be that the bottleneck(s) in your path(s) might
have different utilizations: high utilization would dilate the file
sojourn time. Recall (FileSize/(Capacity * (1-Utilization))  from
M/G/1-Processor Sharing model. Also, the aggregate traffic might have
different correlation structures leading to different queuing delays
and losses. Positive correlations build larger buffer occupancy leading
to higher losses. 

Here is one reference on the relevant point: "Web Pages Sojourn Times
in High Speed Networks" by Malik et. al., IEEE International Workshop
on IP Operations and Managment-2004 (IPOM-2004), Beijing, China.


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