[e2e] updated policy on Calls for Papers/Participation

Joe Touch touch at ISI.EDU
Thu Sep 23 15:46:04 PDT 2004

Hi, all,

The E2E list has had a policy effective May 2003 that restricts 
conference announcements as follows:

	- one call for papers/submissions

	- one call for participation

The limit applied to each conference meeting; workshops, tutorials, and 
adjunct meetings count as a single conference event, and are permitted 
only two overall posts.


This limit had not taken into account the more common practice of calls 
for papers including a call for tutorials, workshops, etc. Effective 
immediately, the limit is extended to three posts, in cases where the 
first call includes requests for proposals for adjunct events as follows:

	- one call for papers/submissions
	  and proposals for adjunct events

	- one call for papers/submissions to adjunct events
	  only if the first call included a request for event proposals

	- one call for participation for the overall group of events

For those of you not interested in administrativia, we now return to our 
regularly scheduled technical ratholes ;-)

(list administrator)

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