clarification Re: [e2e] UDP Performance problem

Chetan Kumar S chetansk at
Mon Feb 14 21:23:19 PST 2005

Craig Partridge wrote:

>Two clarifications/updates:
Just incase if U had not noticed: I hope there are no printf statements 
in the loop. A most common mistake by first timers

Chetan S

>1. The 65us rate was dividing 1 Gbps by 8kB packets (not the reported
>    32Mbps, which when divided by 8kB packets translates to 512 packets
>    per second, a data rate which would have been considered disturbingly
>    low on your typical workstation c. 1988.
>2.  An colleague responded to my note by pointing out that on similar
>    hardware he's seen 400 mb/s when downloading from the network to **DISK**.
>So there's something really sick in your system.

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