[e2e] Skype and congestion collapse.

Alexandre L. Grojsgold algold at rnp.br
Fri Mar 4 11:22:36 PST 2005

> IMHO, I think that applications like Skype should be responsible for
> managing the congestion they could potentially cause. This brings me
> to my question. If more and more applications start to behave like
> Skype and selfishly worry more about their business model than about
> the health of the global Internet,

I guess that what you mean is that Skipe does not use TCP-like bandwidth 
reduction, so it selfishly does not give up sending 10Kbps even in case of 

Well, one must have in mind that at the end of a skype voice connection 
ther is as human being that, in case of congestion and excessive packet 
loss will simply hang up the call - or even be so unhappy that he will 
never try calling thru Skype again.

Probably the "selfish" behavior if skipe is due to the fact that it is 
unable to make voice go thru using less than 10k - lessening the bandwidth 
would be useless, so in case of congestion, it will simply hang up - or 
wait till the user gives up.

-- Alexandre.

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