[e2e] ICNP'05 deadlines (clarification)

Ibrahim Matta matta at cs.bu.edu
Mon May 2 10:36:38 PDT 2005

Dear Colleague,

Please note that May 6, 5pm PST is the deadline for registering the
title and the abstract of papers. Authors of already registered papers
can submit the actual paper by May 12, 11:59pm PST. These deadlines are
hard to keep up with a tight schedule. Please visit the web site
http://csr.bu.edu/icnp2005/ for detailed submission instructions.

Best regards,

Ibrahim Matta, Associate Professor
Computer Science Department
Boston University, Boston, MA 02215, USA
Tel: (617) 358-1062, Fax: (617) 353-6457
matta at cs.bu.edu

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