[e2e] public release of anonymized enterprise traces

vern@ee.lbl.gov vern at ee.lbl.gov
Mon Oct 17 23:41:26 PDT 2005

[apologies for multiple copies]

We'd like to announce the public release of a set of anonymized packet
header traces recorded inside a medium-sized enterprise, the Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory.  Information about the traces, including
a link to downloading them, is available at


and two associated papers, one analyzing the traces and the other discussing
the anonymization process, are available at:


This work was supported in part by the DHS-sponsored PREDICT trace repository,


- Vern, on behalf of

Mark Allman (ICSI)
Mike Bennett (LBNL)
Jason Lee (LBNL)
Ruoming Pang (Princeton)
Vern Paxson (ICSI/LBNL)
Brian Tierney (LBNL)

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