[e2e] Are we doing sliding window in the Internet?

Injong Rhee rhee at ncsu.edu
Sat Jan 5 16:40:08 PST 2008

Good points! It is always difficult, if not impossible, to inform the  
entire users in the Internet in this regard because the Internet is  
shared.  If you do this in an isolated networks only involving  
consent users, then the test may not be wide-scale enough or realistic.


On Jan 6, 2008, at 2:36 AM, Jon Crowcroft wrote:

> there were interesting discussions about the bittyrant work last  
> year where a new
> torrent client was released and used to do experiments....informed  
> consent from
> users was sort of fine printed somewhat:)
> on the other hand, if you want a proper control group and a  
> distributed
> congestion control or any other resource manager
> scheme includes an element of user behaviour, then you haev a  
> problem conducting
> science without having uninformed as well as informed users (and  
> non users...)
> In missive <477FB5AB.3090601 at isi.edu>, Joe Touch typed:
>>> Certainly. But the key is whether we need a new algorithm,  
>>> whether there
>>> is a benefit, and whether the benefit warrants the risks. That  
>>> may all
>>> have been proven sufficiently for a wide-scale test with volunteers
>>> aware that they're participating, but I don't like the idea of  
>>> releasing
>>> this to unwitting users without making it clear they're part of  
>>> such an
>>> experiment. IMO, the widescale volunteer test is the step that  
>>> has been
>>> skipped here.
>>> Joe
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>  cheers
>    jon

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