[e2e] P2P Streaming alternatives??

brough.35790502@bloglines.com brough.35790502 at bloglines.com
Wed Jun 4 12:06:08 PDT 2008

I don't think the "technical challenges...are too high."  There have been
P2P streaming TV systems running in China at least since 2004 (www.pplive.com
& www.pps.tv) and Joost has been running (since late 2006) a hybrid network
with long tail content served from central systems and popular content served
from peers.  There's a good presentation of the Joost network architecture


Mobile: +1 617 285-0433 Skype: brough

--- hsanson <hsanson at gmail.com wrote:
> - P2P sounds like the perfect
solution, keep enough resources to serve a 
> few clients and in peak sessions
use client resources to distribute the 
> media. As demand increases so the
available resources (bandwidth) increase.
> But the technical challenges
we need to overcome in order to enable P2P 
> streaming are too high:

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