[e2e] IMC 2010 CFP

Mark Allman mallman at icir.org
Tue Apr 13 07:40:35 PDT 2010

[Folks- a quick reminder that the IMC deadline is coming up.  Please
 do consider submitting.  --allman (IMC 2010 PC chair)]

Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) 2010
November 1 - 3, 2010
Melbourne, Australia

The tenth Internet Measurement Conference is a three day event
focusing on Internet measurement and analysis, building on the
success of past IMCs. We invite submissions of papers that
contribute to our understanding of the Internet's structure and
behavior, as well as methods to collect or analyze Internet

IMC accepts two kinds of papers:

  - Full papers (up to 14 two-column pages) describing original
    research, with succinctness appropriate to the topics and themes
    they discuss. 
  - Short papers (up to 6 two-column pages for text and figures + 1
    page for references) conveying work that is less mature but
    shows promise, articulating a high-level vision, describing
    challenging future directions, critiquing current measurement
    wisdom or offering results that do not merit a full submission.

Key dates:

  - May 10, 2010: 8AM EDT: Registration of title and 250-word
  - May 17, 2010: 8AM EDT: HARD submission deadline
  - July 28, 2010:         Notification
  - November 1-3, 2010:    Conference held in Melbourne, Australia

Please see the full CFP here:


for full details.

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