[e2e] Why don't we talk about segments/objects instaead of layers? Re: Lost Layer?

Detlef Bosau detlef.bosau at web.de
Thu Feb 20 05:26:16 PST 2014

Am 19.02.2014 22:54, schrieb Andrew Mcgregor:
> The best attempt at that so far as I know is "Joseph Hui and Ezhan Karasan, A
> Thermodynamic Theory of Broadband Networks with Application to Dynamic
> Routing, IEEE J. Selected Areas of Communications, 1995, v13 pp 991--1003".
>  It works, but isn't as illuminating as some of the more recent work, using
> new mathematics to help.  Keyword for that is 'network calculus'.
Thermodynamic Theory. Please get alive. Cars travel along streets,
people walk along the pavement, neither of them suffers from congestion
related drop, neither knows about "Thermodynamics".

I once was told a VERY basic wisdom of engineering. "What cannot be
achieved by a simple means can neither be achieved by a sopisticated means".

So networking should be done by simple, well understood mechanisms. I
don't see a real use for overcomplicated calculus. Particularly when the
models are not really close to reality.

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