[e2e] Simulator for wireless network

Henning Schulzrinne hgs at cs.columbia.edu
Sat Apr 14 20:03:20 PDT 2007

For 802.11, we'll have a paper in Infocom 2007 that compares  
simulation results and real-world (ORBIT testbed) measurements. There  
are indeed numerous small differences that are either not modeled  
correctly in common simulators or just not specified, even beyond RF  

On Apr 14, 2007, at 9:08 PM, Craig Partridge wrote:

>> What would be considered the best network simulator(s) for wireless
>> networks, particularly for TCP experiments?
> You've asked a tough question.  Here's my sense of the current world:
>     * reviewers of papers generally don't trust any publicly available
>       simulator to give accurate predictions of wireless results,  
> except
>       in very carefully crafted scenarios (and often not then -- I've
>       had papers rejected due to simulation concerns even when I could
>       show that the simulation issues had been addressed -- there's  
> that
>       much concern).
>     * there exist simulators that can be trusted -- they've been  
> verified
>       to have results that match what is seen in the wild -- but  
> they are
>       proprietary.  The simulator I know of has two useful  
> features: it
>       runs the same code in simulation as it does on the actual  
> radios and
>       it emulates the wireless communications environment (e.g. signal
>       propagation).
>     * if you want repeatable experiments that have some grounding  
> in reality
>       you'd do best to use an environment like Emulab's 802.11  
> testbed.
> Hope that's useful!
> Craig

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