
TG currently supports the following platforms: Linux, FreeBSD, SunOS, and Solaris. It should be easily portable to other Unix-based platforms. The source distribution includes source, binaries for all supported platforms, all documentation, and examples of TG scripts. The binary distribution includes the platform-dependent binaries, and a post processing perl script for producing graphs.

Source : tg2.0.tar tg2.0.tar.Z tg2.0.tar.gz

Binaries : LinuxFreebsdSunOSSolaris

Documents : TG User Manual (PSPDF )


First download the TG source distribution. Executing

$gzip -d -c tg2.0.tar.gz | tar -xvf -


$zcat tg2.0.tar.Z | tar -xvf -


$tar -xvf tg2.0.tar

will create the tg and dcat subdirectories in tg2.0/src. Executing gmake in the tg and dcat directories will generate the executables. Executing "gmake clean" will remove the all non-essential files created during compilation.

TG should compile on most Unix -based platforms. Care has been taken to keep it as portable as possible and to avoid platform specific code. Minor modifications may be required in some cases. Lex or flex and Yacc are required for compilation, and should be used with backward compatbility enabled. The optional post processing script,, requires perl.

If you choose to modify the directory structure of the distribution, there is a path dependency between the tg and dcat directories. There is a symbolic link between a source file in the tg and dcat directories. Also, the makefile in the dcat directory has the tg directory in its include path.



$gmake install

on the command line in the individual directories of tg and dcat will compile the source and install tg in an appropriate platform dependent bin subdirectory. For example "gmake install" in the tg directory on a Linux platform will first generate the tg binary and then copy it to the "../bin/linux/" directory.